Word Religion

-I chose this activity as my artifact because I'm fascinated to learn all about different religions from all over the world. In this activity, we were tasked to draw these different religions.
-I attained more knowledge and had a deeper understanding about the different religions from all over the world.


-I chose this activity because I find this activity quite interesting. In this activity we were tasked to write about the relationship of government, governance, and politics with each other.
-I attained a deeper understanding on the relationship of these three words.


-I chose this activity as my artifact because I found the topic very important. In this activity, we were tasked to write an essay about social sciences.
-I attained more knowledge about social sciences and I realized how important they really are.


-In this activity, we were assigned to make a poster or slogan about equality. I chose this activity because I found the topic very important.
-I attained more knowledge and realized the greater importance of human rights and equality

Creative Writing

-I chose this activity because the poems are about lovers and love in general. A topic which I'm quite fond of. I made my own spin on the poems and rearranged them.
-I attained morw knowledge on poetry through this activity. I learned how to rearrange them and add lines to them.


-I chose this activity because I care about the environment and I want to spread awareness on it. We were assigned to make a commitment on taking care of the environment on this activity.
-I attained greater love and appreciation for our environment. And I was inspired to help take carw of the environment.


-In this activity, we were assigned to answer questions that are related to core values and make a slogan based on the topic given to us. I chose this activity because I find the topic very important.
-I attained deeper understanding on the core values the exist and should exist in our community.


-I chose this activity because I want to share my story, what I've been through. We were assigned to write a true non fiction story that happened to us or to someone we know.
-I attained more knowledge on how to properly write stories.



DESCRIPTION:A religious belief system that has gained widespread recognition as having seperate status fromall other religions, but which Contains several sects or denomination.

LEARING GOAL:It Is term used In the study of the religion to distinguish the five greatest and most widely disseminated religious Movements on a global scale


Description : Is the difficult genre to define. It follows the same narrative plot as fiction, with an including incident mounting action, climax and denouement. Non fiction on the other hand is only effective If the story is true to the author's personal experience.

Learning Goals:To be classified as creative nonfiction a story must be factually correct and written with literary style and technique In mind. The primary goal of a creative nonfiction writer like a reporter, is to share knowledge says Lee Gutkind editor of Creative non-fiction magazine.


Description: This activity shows different person's and tells if he/she was your friend or not and to identify the personalities.

LEARING Goals: know the characteristics and personalities of people.


Description: Being Filipino means being part of a wonderful culture . A culture full of amazing foods, beautiful languages, and a wonderful homeland to visit . When I say food is incredible , I mean it . Seriously , once you try it,you will In love with it.

Learning Goals:The purpose of this to teach every on of the importance of becoming a Filipino citizen and the roles of being a citizen.


Description: It displays all we require or desire. The Important things that we need to buy and not important.

Learning Goals : I've that We Must focus on the things that truly matter.


- I chose this activity as my artifact because it’s about love and unconditional love. I’ve learned in this activity that beauty comes within but a true beauty’s felt within.
- I had a great understanding in this activity where love was defined. It says in there that beauty comes within and felt by hearts.


- I chose this activity because it was about roles in the community. I’ve learned that every human being has a role in every community and every person can volunteer as well.
- I attained in this activity that roles in the community isn’t done by only one person but is done by every person living in that community. You can volunteer if you desire to volunteer and help each other in maintaining the given role in a community.


- I chose this activity because I was able to do and understand the meaning of this subject. I have learned that it’s about technologies and communication that allows us to connect with them.
-i had a great understanding in this area where I understand that technologies helps us through communication on where we can communicate to our love ones that’s away from us.



LEARNING GOAL: I've learned that kindess is when you're sacrifising/giving service to people that needing your help, without any condition.Kindness will give you Greater Sense of Belonging and Improved Self Esteem – Even small acts of kindness create feelings of self-worth and belonging. Acts of kindness increase energy and give a wonderful feeling of optimism.

DESCRIPTION: I've realized on this activity that We as individuals have the power to change the world by Recognizing the humanity of other people, and by respecting their dignity.


LEARNING GOAL:By making this Travelogue, I've learned that Traveling is the best way to spend a memorable moment with your family. A time to set aside the problems and relax. 

DESCRIPTION : I can consider this activity as one of the best activity , because l used to  recall all the Happy moments I've spend in Baguio.


LEARNING GOAL: Unity represents togetherness. Therefore, it is standing together for every thick and thin matter. There are many stories as well as real-life incidences have proved that unity always leads a harmonious and fulfilling life for all.

Description: On this activity , I can say that 
Unity is being together or at one with someone or something. It's the opposite of being divided. This is a word for togetherness or oneness. 


Learning Goal: When I hear the song lyrics " There's a hero if you look inside your heart, You don't have to be afraid of what you are" I cried and after that ,I am now bolder and stronger.

Description: This activity proven that if you truly believe believe in yourself ,nothing is impossible.


Learning goal: Stepping back from my learning experience ,I do realized that In a general sense, social science is the study of society and how people behave, interact, and influence each other inside a community.By that being said I improved a lot as a citizen of on my own community.

Description: I can describe this activity in the sense that It will give you a better understanding of mankind & by studying social science ,we are becoming informed about how societies should be put together.


Learning goal: Looking back from my learning experience , I've learned a lot including  the core beliefs of the major religions, their guiding principles and practices, and their historical foundations. In addition, I achieve a greater appreciation of the impact of different religions to us as an individual.

Description:  I can can say from this activity  that Introduction to World Religions explores major world religions and belief systems for students to understand their significant principles and core teachings and identify their commonalities.


Learning goal: Stepping back from my learning experience, I've Realized that Good governance is essential in combating poverty. Governance is about politics, or the way in which citizens and governments relate to each other. Good governance requires state capability, responsiveness and accountability. It means making politics work for the poor.

Description: I can say that the goal of this activity is to inform the students with the essential things about politics and governance, empower them by providing knowledge and skills, and make them responsible citizens in their practice of their rights and application of what they have learned in the subject.


Learning goal: The theme of our activity is " WE HEAL AS ONE"  We heal as one. Four words but it is a powerful message.
In our society, unity is a very important value we should embrace and learn. In every circumstances we need help and we need to help each other. We should unite not only on the the unfortunate times. We must not forgot unity nor remember it when we just needed. Let's always keep in our mind that unity is always the key to success.

Description: It expresses the message which is: 'You are not alone, we will fight through this together'. The future is on our hands , we survive this battle & together we will heal as one ,as one nation we are all together!



- I’ve learned that there are so many roles and functions of Local Government Unit, which was administered by the authorities subordinate to the state of authority.
- I attained a deeper understanding on the roles and functions of our Local Government Unit.


- I’ve learned that each theory is unique in it’s own way and can accurately illustrate how social factors and human behavior are altered by society.
- I’ve realized on this activity that social sciences are disciplines and ideas that are timeless as it is, inevitably, and a part of life time.


- in this activity, we were assigned to make an acronym of technology that was related to our subject.
-I’ve learned the most important lesson in TNCT by the use of technology and that we can create a different learning and discoveries while in trends we can also know that by searching.


- I chose this activity because we were able to construct a mind map on where we had given the meaning of counselor and who they are.
- I’ve learned the areas of counselor which are works in schools, hospitals, rehabilitation, facilities, etc.


- I’ve learned that as facilitators, organizers, counselors, and advocates, social workers have an important voice in helping communities to overcome the barriers to necessary change.
- I’ve attained deeper understanding on the important factors of helping communities.

- I’ve learned that religions, beliefs and cultures are important in our lifetime.
- We have a lot of religion, point of view or beliefs. We need to study religion and belief system to know why they give faith and why it should be respected. Everyone has beliefs and the beliefs of everyone isn’t the same. We must respect each and anyone's beliefs.

- I’ve learned on how to identify the play, playwright and the characters of the play “Call Me Flory”.
- I’ve attained deeper understanding in the lesson of creative writing. I’ve learned that wherever we are now and whatever we have become, we must know how to look back on where we have started.

- I chose this activity because it tells about the story of “Morning In Nagrebcan”. I’ve learned that it’s a focused on story, that means it has a narrative plot with an inciting moment, rising action, climax, falling action and denouement, just like fiction. However, nonfiction only works if the story was based in real life, an accurate retelling of the author’s experiences.
- I had a deeper understanding on how to properly write stories. We should put our emotions as we write because it has a big help in attaining a good result.



- In this activity, we were assigned to write the literary elements based on the story of “Morning in Nagrebcan” like the characters, plot, symbols, setting, what kind of point of view, conflict, etc.
- I attained more knowledge on how to properly write a story and learned the importance of literary elements that they are the fundamental building blocks of writing, and they play an important role in helping us write, read and understand literature.


- I chose this activity because we were able to analyze what a good governance is.
- I attained a deeper understanding on how to be able to make a good governance.


- I chose this activity because we were able to create an essay about on how to take good care of our mother nature.
- I have attained a deeper understanding on how to maintain our mother nature healthy and I’m doing what I am assigned to do to help our mother nature become great again.


- this activity that I chose was about how a technology and communication works. It’s about how good a communication is as it serves as a bridge to our contacts, especially, our loved ones that are away from us.
- I attained a great understanding on the subject TNCT on how a communication works and how great it is to be able to connect to our loved ones even if they are away.


- I chose this activity because we were assigned to create a collage on the forms of Community Engagement that contributes to the community development either in local, national or global setting.
- I’ve learned that making a collage wasn’t easy but I had a great understanding on how a community engagement contributes to the community development either on local, national or global setting.


- I chose this activity because we were able to make an advocacy through poster making on how to prevent and eliminate injustice among communicators and journalists.
- I had a great understanding on the ways on how to prevent and eliminate injustice among communicators and journalists.


- I chose this activity because it shows different kinds of religions and we were tasked to create a poster containing different religions in the world.
- I had a great understanding in this activity because it’s about different religions in the world that we must respect and love not because it is our religion or not. We must have the heart to build the foundation of love on the religions that we have and respect each one of us.


Learning goal -I created a good poem and I am very happy on that.

Description - Creating poems make me happy ,at the same time it reduces stress and that is a good thing.


- I chose this activity because we were able to make something abut the product of globalization. We were able to understand that different products of globalization bring inspirations and happiness to our life.
- I had a great understanding on this activity as I was able to understand the different products of globalization and its importance and on how we commit ourselves in it.

- I chose this activity because it was a topic that differentiate the different types of community where there is suburban, rural and urban.
- I had a great understanding on the differences of suburban, rural and urban community.

- I chose this activity because we were able to make an essay about our life on new normal. We were able to express our thoughts and feelings on how our life was going on on this new normal.
- I had a great understanding in this activity because it shows how the impact of pandemic affected us.

- I chose this activity because we were able to construct a message on how we were be able to strengthen and advocate the Filipinos’ Indigenous Social Ideas, and the concept and values in national development.
- I attained more knowledge on how to strengthen and advocate the Filipinos’ social ideas and their concepts and values.

- I chose this activity as we were able to construct a mind map that contains the importance of a counselor. It contains the different understanding and importance of a counselor.
- I gain more understanding on the importance of counselor in our daily life.

- I chose this activity because we were able to create our Hindu god’s name. It contains our deep understanding on the roles of each gods that we made our own name that means something.
- I had deep understanding on this activity because it shows that you can choose a different type of god and were able to define why we chose that name of a god.

- I chose this activity because we were able to tell the importance of being a Filipino citizen. We were able to tell the roles and rights of a citizen and how a Filipino citizen must fight for their rigts.

- I chose this artifact because we were able to create a short story base on the unforgettable moments of our life and share the different experiences we had experience.
- I had a great understanding in this area because of the free writing that we did to share our unforgettable moments that we had in our life.


Learning Goals Reflected
- Students will have a blast as they engage in interactive projects to learn about the characteristics of urban, suburban, and rural communities. This lesson will help them develop both their writing and social-studies skills.

- I’ve realized that suburban, urban and, rural are the three main types of communities. Rural areas have a higher population than suburban areas, while urban areas have a higher population than both. It helps me become more self-aware and has an impact on my daily life.


Learning Goals Reflected
- This activity, can benefit students. It can assist them in gaining further knowledge and information. It gives information that Participatory Democracy is a fully liberating ideology puts policy responsibilities directly in the hands of the citizenry while Representative Democracy is most prevalent system of government produces a class of a professional politicians.

- The most significant learning that I’ve learned in this activity is that there are similarities and difference of Participatory Democracy and Representative Democracy. And I understood that I am capable of providing it.


Learning Goals Reflected
- The purpose of this practice is to encourage students to be more imaginative while writing essays. And it may assist students in expanding their knowledge.

- It gives me an opportunity to tell what I have been through in pandemic. I shared my personal experience with the epidemic, as well as how it affected people’s life, including how they lost their jobs and loved ones as a result of it.

Learning Goals Reflected:
- This activity's purpose is to help students improve their decision-making abilities. This practice will assist students in better understanding what is correct and what should be prioritized.

- I’ve realized that I’m capable of distinguishing between good and bad, right and wrong. And can determine whether it is ID, EGO, or Super Ego .


Learning Goals Reflected
- It can contribute effort by encouraging young people to recognize their abilities, even if they are still young. It will help them to realize that they have abilities even though they still a youth.

- I learned that I could do a lot even as a young woman. I have a lot of potential to develop and beautify our neighborhood. I’ve learned that I can contribute a lot to my community.

Learning Goals Reflected
- Through this action, we can inform others that there are still people who are not religious but believe in God, as well as others who are religious but not godly.

- In this activity, I learned that President Rodrigo Duterte is not a religious person, but believes in God, and that Jimmy Falcon is a religious person, but does not believe in God.


Learning Goals Reflected
- I believe that this activity will benefit and expand the knowledge of the youth, as well as increase their awareness.

- I’ve learned that as a young person, I believe it is need to discuss the issues that today’s youth confront so that it does not happen again to future generations.


Learning Goals Reflected:
- This activity will serve as a life guide for students. Because of their life experiences, such as mine, it will serve as a role model for them

- This action taught me that even when life is difficult, there is always a god on your side. And I’ve discovered that the indelible memories inspire me to do well in the future.



- I chose this activity because we were tasked to make a poem. I have learned that writing a poem isn’t only about the words or phrases that make sounds together but it’s about the art of creative expression snd how you can express the message of the poem you made.
- I had a great understanding on writing a poem with the help of expressions and feeling that you will include in there.

- I chose this activity on where we were tasked to make slogan or poster about injustice. We were able to construct our project because of the ideas that we made through our theme “Injustice”. we had the chance to voice out our thought on the topic injustice.
- I had a deeper understanding regarding the topic of injustice on where I thoroughly understand that injustice is unfair and with the help of peace and equality, we will overcome injustice.

- I chose this activity because we were able to know the true meaning of the song we had interpret. It has a meaning and message for us, teenagers.
- I attained more knowledge on the activity that we did and that, the song meaning was about the message for us, teenagers.

- I chose this activity because we were tasked to make an essay about politics, and governance in the Philippines. I made an essay that’s about the governance here in the Philippines that has a negative impact.
- I had a deep understanding in this topic because it’s about politics and governance and I’ve learned that there is a good governance and bad governance.

- I chose this activity because it was about the different types of religions and I have learned that there are many religions out there. 9i have learned that every religion needs respect and love. Don’t criticize people because their religion is like that their beliefs is different.

- I chose this activity because it’s about making something for socialization. I have learned that socializing is part of our life and having a good relationship with others.
- I had a great understanding on socialization and realized that socialization is part of our life and it helps us boost our self-esteem.

- I chose this activity because we were tasked to find the differences and similarities of sociology and demography. I’ve learned that sociology and demography isn’t the same in nature but there’s also some similarities.
- I had a great understanding that sociology and demography isn’t the same in nature and is that, nature is about society behavior, relationship and interaction while demography studies statistics.

- I chose this activities because we were tasked to make a story about our unforgettable moments and where your imagination will expand and help you make your story imaginable.
- I attained more understanding on this area because I have my imaginations expand and make my story more accurately and interesting.



Description - It is a poem describing how a clean environment in nature is so pleasant and pretty.
Learning Goals - Clean your environment of plastics and other trash.
Don't throw toxic materials just anywhere.


Description - A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your success.
Learning Goals - Friends appreciate each other's hope. You can attach yourself to each other's dreams.


Description - Our environment needs our kindness. Kindness means doing things that will keep the Earth healthy. It's up to us to do what we can to care for the environment.
Learning Goals - We need to understand the fragility of our environment and the importance of it's protection.


Description - Nation building is constructing or structuring a national identity using the power. Nation building aims at the unification of the people within the nation so that it remains politically stable and viable in the long run.
Learning Goals - The primary objective of building a good nation is to make a society peaceful. Security, food, shelter and basic services should be provided first. Economic and political objectives can be provided once these first - order needs are met.


Description - The greatest legacy we can leave to our family is happy memories.
Learning Goals - Travelling with family can be one of the most rewarding adventures you can have together. To form a stranger bond, also benefit from experiences gain a greater appreciation for what's around.


Description - Social science as a field of study is separate from the natural sciences, which cover topics such as physics, biology, and chemistry. Social science examines the relationships between individuals and societies, as well as the development and operation of societies, rather than studying the physical world.
Learning Goals - Develop knowledge of quantitative and qualitative methods for understanding human behavior. Provide an introductory understanding of the structures and processes of social institutions and individual behavior within cultures.


Description - Saving our earth and its environment becomes highly important as it provide us food and water to sustain life. Our well-being solely depends on this planet it gives food and water to all living things to it is our responsibility to take care of it.
Learning Goals - We need to collect and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. It can benefit your community and the environment.


Description - Recognizing the importance of working within the limits of your own role and responsibilities maintains good relationship with colleagues who might otherwise think you're stepping on their toes.
Learning Goals - Staying on your job refers to learning or developing your knowledge.

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